Mobile Development

Looking for your next fulltime or interim mobile engineering hire?

Over the last decade, Techmunity has built up a deep network across the Mobile Development world – these are the typical hires and skillsets we’ve aided companies with:


Programming Languages (Swift, Objective-C)
IDEs (Xcode)
Frameworks & Libraries (SwiftUI, UIKit, Combine, Core Data, Core Animation, Core Graphics, ARKit)
Dependency Management (CocoaPods, Carthage, Swift Package Manager)
Networking (Alamofire, URLSession)
Testing Frameworks and Tools (XCTest, Quick, Nimble, OCMock)
Design and Prototyping Tools (Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, Zeplin(
Cloud Services and Backend (Firebase, AWS Mobile Services, Parse, Realm)
Security Libraries (Keychain Services, CryptoKit)
Miscellaneous Tools (Fastlane, TestFlight, Charles Proxy)

Hire in this Industry


Programming Languages (Kotlin, Java)
IDEs (Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA)
Frameworks & Libraries (Jetpack Compose, Android Jetpack, Dagger, Hilt, RxJava, Koin)
Dependency Management (Gradle, Maven)
Networking (Retrofit, OkHttp, Volley)
Testing Frameworks and Tools (Junit, Espresso, Robolectric, Mockito, UI Automator)
Performance Monitoring and Analytics (Firebase Analytics, Crashlytics, New Relic)
Cloud Services and Backend (Firebase, AWS Mobile Services, Google Cloud Platform, Realm)
Augmented Reality (ARCore)
Miscellaneous Tools (Fastlane, ADB, ProGuard, Charles Proxy)

Hire in this Industry

React Native

Programming Languages (JavaScript, TypeScript)
Frameworks and Libraries (React Native, Expo, Redux, MobX, React Navigation)
IDEs (Visual Studio Code, Atom, WebStorm)
Build and Automation Tools (Metro Bundler, Fastlane, Gradle, Xcode Build)
Testing Frameworks and Tools (Jest, Enzyme, Detox, React Native Testing Library)
Cloud Services and Backend (Firebase, AWS Amplify, Google Cloud Platform, Azure Mobile Apps)
State Management (Redux, MobX, Context API)
UI Component Libraries (NativeBase, React Native Elements, React Native Paper)
Native Modules and Bridging (React Native Reanimated, React Native Gesture Handler)
Miscellaneous Tools (ESLint, Prettier, Storybook, Lottie)

Hire in this Industry


Programming Languages (Dart)
Frameworks and Libraries (Flutter)
IDEs (Android Studio, Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA)
State Management (Provider, Bloc, Riverpod, GetX, MobX)
Networking (Dio, Http)
Build and Automation Tools (Fastlane, Codemagic, GitHub Actions)
Testing Frameworks & Tools (Flutter Test, Mockito, Integration Test, Widget Test)
Cloud Services and Backend (Firebase, Google Cloud Platform, AWS Amplify, Supabase)
UI Component Libraries (Flutter Material Components, Flutter Cupertino Components, GetWidget)
Miscellaneous Tools (Dart DevTools, Flutter Inspector, Lottie, SVG

Hire in this Industry

Current Mobile Development opportunities

Mobile Developers – iOS/Android – Fully Remote

Salary: 45,000 to £50,000
Techmunity are hiring multiple iOS & Android Developers for a fully remote UK SaaS Startup!

Contact Us Today.

Looking for assistance with your application, or need help filling a position with your business? Complete the form on this page, or contact us directly using the details listed below!

Giving back to the Community

Techmunity donates 5% of our profits to CodeYourFuture, a non-profit that empowers underrepresented groups to join the digital workforce. When you partner with us, you're also making a positive impact in your local neighborhood!
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Doing our bit.